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EroeGo in the press

Fighting food waste is a tough task that no one can face alone.

With one third of all food produced going to waste, revising the current grocery ecosystem will take a lot of time, energy and teamwork.

That’s why we’ve made a start rescuing the ‘ugly’ fruit and veg that’s still perfectly good to eat.

By making this produce more affordable and accessible, we’re cutting down waste and preventing the resources that went into growing this food from being wasted too.

But, we couldn’t do it without you conscious consumers.

Check out what our founder, Daniel Solomon, has to say here:

  • Wamda - ‘The startups tackling food waste in Mena’

  • ZAWYA - ‘EroeGo - the first food waste fight start-up in UAE accepted in MassChallenge'

  • LAFFAZ - EroeGo, UAE’s first food waste fight startup gets entry into MassChallenge'


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